Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to delete virus/trojans?

I have a windows xp and my antivirus is AVG.

I found, through a scan, that i have 3 trojans and 1 virus.

How do i delete them?

By clicking "empty vault" (in virus vault) does that delete the them permanently?

If not, can you please explain how i can delete them permanently?

thank you!

How to delete virus/trojans?

once it find it will cut that virus and it will keep in virus vault. if you want to delete that virus then go and clean in the virus valut.

How to delete virus/trojans?antivirus downloads

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Dialers, Trojans, Viruses, and Worms Oh My!

If you use a computer, read the newspaper, or watch the news, you will know about computer viruses or other malware. These are those malicious programs that once they infect your machine will start causing havoc on your computer. What many people do not know is that there are many different types of infections that are categorized in the general category of Malware.

Malware - Malware is programming or files that are developed for the purpose of doing harm. Thus, malware includes computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, hijackers, and certain type of adware.

This article will focus on those malware that are considered viruses, trojans, worms, and viruses, though this information can be used to remove the other types of malware as well. We will not go into specific details about any one particular infection, but rather provide a broad overview of how these infections can be removed. For the most part these instructions should allow you to remove a good deal of infections, but there are some that need special steps to be removed and these won't be covered under this tutorial.

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