when I am on the net don't matter what I am doing all of a sudden my exe. just boots off then I have to reopen and research what I was looking for, I have antivirus removal program and always scan to make sure I am not infected but I still have this one annoying problem
Why does my internet explorer keep shutting down while I surf the net?antivirus
I would Microsoft update first, then reboot. If that doesnt solve the problem, i'd uninstall IE and reinstall from website.
Why does my internet explorer keep shutting down while I surf the net?computer
i will tell you why: because ie7 can be blocked by other programs (other programs what not necessarrily run together at the same time, they are just both on the pc), for me what blocks ie7 is the skype so i decided to not to use ie7 but mozilla and mozilla works even better than ie7 :)
I have a similar problem with IE7. Sometimes if i grab the bar on the right to slide down the screen, IE7 freezes and when I close it, I am told the program is not responding.
I would suggest that you switch to the free and better Firefox browser. It is infinately better than IE, is more sucrue, and has a host of extensions that can be added to make it more useful.
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