I've cleared the cache and temp files in internet options but doesnt help. I can only read emails by switching to old version. It was working fine until my Norton Antivirus did a full system scan, then it stopped working. Does anyone know how I can fix this so I can continue to use beta version?
We've detected a problem with your browser cache.Trouble logging in?antivirus software
This can happen in Windows XP too. I fixed it by going into Norton Internet Security and unchecking the lines labeled "Block popups on this site" and "Block ads on this site", when I got the "We've detected a problem..." message. I guess Yahoo won't let you use the 'free' mail service if their sponsors are blocked out (their paid mail service has no ads).
We've detected a problem with your browser cache.Trouble logging in?computer virus
i have the same problem it is not you it is the server and yahoo does not fix anything on the weekend give a weekday or 2 for them to get the server working
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