I went to photobucket and selected a picture to use to post on multiply and I copied the HTML code as always but this time when I done that it posted the picture just fine but on the 3rd time it posted a black video with no name, So I went and selected another picture and again used the HTML code and again that picture posted just fine until the third time then the black video with no name shows up again from within my mouse,, So I scanned my computer with antivirus while in safe mode and it found nothing, So I then went to copy something totally different than anything on photobucket and again this black video shows up, I also seen this has happened to many others who was using photobucket, Photobucket is a very good and trusted source for using photos,, So now I reformatted my computer back to factory settings wiping everything from the computer and started out clean, And while just copying simple stuff such as in my email and posting it elsewhere this black video shows up, Help,
Is this a virus or what??download
can you take a screen shot of this "black video" and post it somewhere?
do you have a link?
to take a screen shot, have the browser on screen and try to get the black on there too. then press the windows key and the print screen.
open up paint. and then paste. it should show an image of the entire screen. save it (as a bmp) and either post it, or email it to bobby and have him send it to me. Or It looks like you can just email it directly to me now.
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