Thursday, October 1, 2009

How do you delete a hidden file from your computer?

I am trying to delete a file but it keeps saying the file is either being used by another person or program but I can't see any application programs running in Task Manager. I even tried deleting it in Safe Mode but still that didn't work. Scanned it with Norton antivirus but no virus nor trojans detected.

The extension of the file is .DVDSCR.XVID-DVL.avi

I have tried to open the file in windows media player and notepad.

Could computer whiz shed some light on this problem for everyone's benefit?

How is this possible?

How do you delete a hidden file from your computer?downloads

did u download a movie using a torrent??? if so..that could be your your torrent search..bitcomet..u torrent..or whatever...remove the movie from there first ...if u do not...u will not be able to delete it....if that is not the problem..go to start..control panel....folder options...view...u will a list with some check marks....find the one that says.."show hidden files and that go into safe mode.what ever u downlkoaded the movie or program with.....lime on..that is what is still using ..and not allowing u to other thing i can think of...go to the file..right click ..go to most likely says" read only...uncheck ok..try to delete it now

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