Sunday, September 20, 2009

I need to remove ndn uninstal 6_38.exe,also ndn uninstall 7_48.exe virus?

I found this when i tried new zone alarm 7.0,and i had to disable my avg anti virus shield because it said that if i had other antivirus running on my coumputer it could crash,so i turned off antivirus sheild.Then zone alarm did virus scan and spyware scan and found 3 viruses,quaranteined 1 and could not repair or quarantine or delete these dot net (ndn uninstall 6_38.exe)and(ndn uninstall 7_48.exe)and zone alarm had called it (error:E00600005h)and said to search with the name of the virus on yahoo or google and use the word "removal" in the search.I did with google first, and got a page with info but it was in french,used yahoo and got nothing. So here i ask you for help .

I need to remove ndn uninstal 6_38.exe,also ndn uninstall 7_48.exe virus?nortin

In the last two months, two of my friends had this same problem. One was when he tried to uninstall ITunes and the other was when he tried to unstall Kazaa.

To make a long story short, the end result was doing a Reformat of their computers. Nothing could be found to effectively solve this problem. Both computers functioned properly after the Reformat.

So, for my friends it was faster and caused less headaches to backup as much of their data as possible and then Reformat.

I need to remove ndn uninstal 6_38.exe,also ndn uninstall 7_48.exe virus?pc security

avg and norton's have removal tools

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