I recently downloaded Spybot Search and destroy and it helped me locate a great many disturbing spyware and malware as well as dialers on my PCs. Some of these things also seemed to have Antivirus disablers. Fortunately I have now removed them, but on the other hand, I am now having problems opening many programs on my PCs such as Firefox and Word. Often I get messages like quota is not enough to process command or that a certain key could not be initialized. I tried to uninstall some applications like Office and Firefox, but that isn't working either. My Antivirus (AVG) also has problems. Sometimes the resident shield simply goes off. On startup the Antivirus just starts a full scan, although I have set it to disable the scheduler.The settings just seem to reset th It seems to me that there is some problem in the registry. How do I solve it? Is there some other solution other than any of the fix-registry programs?Applied RegistryPatrol to some of them, but it only fixes some things.
Post-Spyware problems!!?virus removal
Oh, I only say you that you are using a not good antispyware.
Because it delete those files which are not spyware.
You have to repair those programes like firfox, word.
I recommand you to use a good antispyware.
There are top ten the best and newest anti-spywares in 2007.
--Top Ten Anti-Spyware Software Review 2007-- link:
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