Everytime I plug in my flash drive, it automatically plays, then asks if I want to open my files by using e_t TM. At the same time, whenever I right-click on the device, it has the following options before Open, explore, etc.
e_t TM
How can I fix this? I've tried scanning it with the antivirus program, but there's no change.
How do you remove e_t TM virus (flash drive)?antivirus software
I hate to ask, but there doesn't seem to be anyone else here to help. What antivirus are you running?
I would suggest AVG Free available at www.grisoft.com Look for the free version, it is perfect. When installing make sure the resident sheild if checked off for use. Then attach the flash device, the resident shield should detect the virus and eliminate it. AVG has over 350 variations of the virus that it can eliminate. This should take care of the issue.
Also, I know some will say you should use System Restore to backup your Windows configuration, but this can also copy virus and put them back if the system fails, so I suggest not using it, but at the least don't use it on removeable media. Even if there are no system files on the drive references to the virus can be made and recreated.
Make sure you update AVG to the latest definitions once you have installed, also completely free. If this doesn't do it please reply, I can point you to some disk management tools that can take care of this from a different angle, but its not the most user friendly way of taking out a file that is causing your system issues. Don't worry it sounds worse than it is.
Hope this helps.
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