I have systemantic antivirus and after running a scan it found two worm viruses. I wouldnt quarantine or delete these and I need them removed by my computer. Any ideas on anything I can do to delete them, any free software that can do this? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Computer Viruses?auto protect
restart computer in safe mode (f8)
scan again..
run spyware remover and virus scan...
Computer Viruses?downloads
For goodneess sake don't delete them. They still get into your system quaratine them fast and keep them there.
Nortons, systemantic is pure garbage for many years and continues to get worse each an every year. You can only run one antivirus program or you will have conflict. I assume you purchased Nortons, an it is a really difficult program to try and try and remove as it will leave atleast 350 fragments glued to your files and hidden all over your system.
If you go to your tray on your monitor, shut down Nortons.
Then download from Avast: http://www.avast.com They are out of prague and will ask you for your email address so they can send you a free key that is good for one year. After the one year you must request a new key.
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